GBQ Frequently Asked Questions

Good Boss Questionnaire FAQs

The GBQ is a psychometric questionnaire that improves individual and organisational performance by assessing and developing the behaviour of managers and supervisors. It can diagnose and reverse patterns of managerial behaviour which have been shown to compromise the productivity, morale and wellbeing of employees and teams.

Each manager and their nominated direct reports complete the questionnaire via an online portal.  The minimum is three direct reports and the maximum is ten. This will automatically produce a one-page summary. A one-hour feedback session is set up with one of our qualified coaches who will explain the results and facilitate a practical action plan of development for the manager.

As well as the one-page summary, each manager will receive a more detailed and personalised document with lots of useful hints and tips for developing each of the 14 traits. Further follow-up coaching session can also be organised.

The questionnaire costs £95 per boss and the price doesn’t change according to the number of direct reports (between three and eight reports).  Feedback sessions can be part of a coaching agreement or priced separately – please contact us to enquire.

It takes 15-20 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Feedback sessions generally last an hour.

Research with over 1,500 employees from a very wide range of organisations has enabled us to identify exactly which of the ‘good’ boss behaviours most motivate employees and lead them to perform significantly better than those with ‘bad’ bosses.

Based on this research, and a pragmatic behaviour-based approach, our two psychometric questionnaires GBQ (our 180º tool) and GBu (a self-report – see below) focus on the 14 key traits which have been proven to have most impact on staff.

In addition to the GBQ, we have developed the GBu. GBu is a preparatory programme designed for people who are not yet managers but may supervise or support others.  You will learn how to develop the right habits to help you get the best from people – and the traits to avoid.

No, not at all.  In fact, in addition to addressing the training needs of individual bosses, the tool can also be used to highlight group differences across teams, sections, departments and even regions, thus pinpointing group training needs.

Whereas most feedback tools focus on ability against a set of generic competencies, GBQ focuses on those behaviours that are proven to have the most impact on others’ morale, productivity and sense of wellbeing and belonging. GBQ might not be the best option, and we are happy to help work out whether this is the case.

You can get in touch with us on 01932 874 944, email us at or fill in our web form.  We look forward to hearing from you.