Feedback – Giving feedback that can be heard

How do we give feedback so people can hear it? I have recently been working with an organisation that is on a growth spurt. Managers are grappling with the consequences of increased workload, new team members and the new challenges that scaling-up brings. There is a growing recognition that sustainable growth requires more [...]

Feedback – Giving feedback that can be heard

How to handle an informal grievance effectively

How to handle an informal grievance effectively A grievance is a concern, problem or complaint at work that an employee may want to take up with you, the employer. This is called raising a grievance. Examples of an employee’s grievance could be: The way they are being treated at work (e.g. not being [...]

How to handle an informal grievance effectively

Fireworks in the office?

Fireworks in the office? Fireworks night is yet again upon us but while many people are looking forward to the colourful display and noise, it can be easy to forget that colleague relationships within the office can often create their own fireworks. One of the biggest causes of stress in the workplace [...]

Fireworks in the office?

Sex discrimination – removing unfair discrimination and bias

Sex discrimination - removing unfair discrimination and bias In August, we wrote about sex discrimination and examples of the different types. Following on from that, here’s some practical advice on removing unfair discrimination and bias in the workplace. At the recruitment stage: job adverts and job descriptions Ensure that every job advert includes [...]

Sex discrimination – removing unfair discrimination and bias
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