Creativity in workshops pays dividends

What options do we have to create a memorable training workshop that ‘hits the mark’ with the participants and the client? The answer is lots! And introducing a little creativity in your workshops will pay dividends.

Where do we start?

We start at the end, of course – crafting a memorable training workshop starts with understanding the end goal. Time-poor leaders need to feel inspired by the objectives and topics; giving them a sense that it will be a valuable use of time and energy.

So, the key is quality client engagement up-front. Getting ‘under the skin’ to acquire a detailed understanding of the behaviours that need to change, ideal outcomes and the training methods that work best with the participants. Summed up in a sentence or two this seems simple enough, but don’t be fooled! Rush through this preparation phase at your peril – it could be the undoing of the workshop.

What are the next steps to delivering creativity in workshops?

Armed with this preparation information, the next challenge is two-fold; tailoring the content to meet the client’s needs and selecting training methods that appeal to all learning styles and that will deliver the required results while enhancing the ‘stickiness’ of key messages.

Moving away from ‘death by slides’ towards engaging creative activities is enjoyable for both participants and the facilitator. People like to gain new experiences and, from this, form meaningful interactions during workshops. Time to get creative!

How can you enhance the learning experience?

There are numerous ways to enhance the learning experience from starting with engaging warm-up exercises or energisers, to introducing role-play activities and multi-media content.  Here are a few ideas and examples:

  • Treasure hunts:  These are a fun way of encouraging teamwork and collaboration
  • Personal brand: Creating a vision board, drawing a fictional character or designing a person mission statement is a great way for participants to think about their personal brand
  • Stories and anecdotes: These are great mechanisms to help make concepts easily understandable, and to see real-world applications of the materials,
  • Case studies: Using case studies tailored to the client, which describe scenarios that are relevant and easily relatable, help people to practise key skills in a safe space, while learning through others’ ideas and insights
  • Multimedia content: This is an excellent way of making content more visually appealing; asking participants to create a video or using videos to introduce or emphasise a concept
  • Role play: Introducing role-plays either with or without actors is a very powerful way for participants to feel the impact of the training
  • Gamification: Including quizzes, games or puzzles these encourage the application of knowledge and problem-solving in a fun and engaging way
  • Team building exercises: Incorporating team-building exercises will help to bring the group together
  • Mixing it up: Getting people up and moving around the room to work on exercises creates energy. Mixing people up for small-group work creates a mutual understanding of colleagues and peers
  • Facilitator style: And don’t forget the impact of the style of the facilitator. Bringing energy and enthusiasm about the delivery and feeling excited by the topics can help to inspire and engage the audience.

Why should we introduce creativity in workshops?

Using creative methods in a training workshop can significantly enhance the learning experience for participants in several ways:

  1. Engagement: Creative methods capture participants’ attention and keep them engaged throughout the session. When learners are actively involved in activities that stimulate their creativity, they are more likely to remain attentive and absorb the information being presented.
  2. Retention: Creative methods help in improving retention by making the content more memorable. When participants are encouraged to think creatively, they are more likely to retain the information and apply it in real-life situations.
  3. Problem-solving skills: Creative activities often require participants to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions. This helps in developing their problem-solving skills and encourages them to approach challenges from different perspectives.
  4. Collaboration: Many creative activities in training workshops involve collaboration and teamwork. This fosters a sense of camaraderie among participants and allows them to learn from each other’s experiences and perspectives.
  5. Innovation: By incorporating creative methods into training workshops, organisations can foster a culture of innovation among their employees. Encouraging creativity in learning environments can inspire participants to think creatively in their day-to-day work and come up with innovative ideas and solutions.

Overall, using creative methods in training workshops can make the learning experience more enjoyable, effective, and impactful for participants, ultimately leading to better outcomes for both individuals and organisations.

If your organisation is looking for assistance with people development workshops, do get in touch and one of our consultants would be happy to talk to you. Please email us at to arrange a chat.