Employee wellbeing – Seven tips for you to follow

7 tips to follow for employee wellbeing General anxiety, caused by the coronavirus outbreak, is the main challenge faced by companies right now*. Worries over the economic upheaval, the health and wellbeing of themselves and loved ones, having to maintain a duty of care to dependants, adjusting to remote working... These are all [...]

Employee wellbeing – Seven tips for you to follow

Cornonavirus – 5 Furlough FAQs

5 Furlough FAQs: Explaining the Cornoavirus Job Retention Scheme With the spread of Coronavirus causing havoc across the world, now more than ever businesses need to ensure they are watching costs and cutting back wherever possible. As part of that process many companies are looking at their workforce and considering what they can [...]

Cornonavirus – 5 Furlough FAQs

Six employment law updates you need to know

Six key employment law updates you need to know With the daffodils out already and signs of Spring approaching (despite the best efforts of storms Ciara and Dennis), April will soon be upon us. April tends to be a busy time in the year for HR, where employers are usually required to implement/amend [...]

Six employment law updates you need to know

Culture and the value of conversation

Culture and the value of conversation In my experience if you invite someone to get involved in work relating to their organisation’s culture they are often pretty sceptical that it will be of any value, or even cynical and suspicious about your motivation. Personally I think this is fair enough – most of [...]

Culture and the value of conversation

Feedback – Giving feedback that can be heard

How do we give feedback so people can hear it? I have recently been working with an organisation that is on a growth spurt. Managers are grappling with the consequences of increased workload, new team members and the new challenges that scaling-up brings. There is a growing recognition that sustainable growth requires more [...]

Feedback – Giving feedback that can be heard
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