Supporting Employees after Redundancy

Redundancy can be a daunting and overwhelming experience, and it’s important to support employees through the process. A recent CIPD article revealed a slight reduction in planned redundancies, quarter on quarter in 2022. However, the forecast is that one in five employers are still planning to make staff redundant in 2023.

Key challenges employers face when it comes to redundancy

The announcement of a restructure sends ripples of uncertainty throughout an organisation.  It puts additional pressure on all those concerned both in terms of communication and identification of the roles that remain and those that are no longer needed. Generally, this is where leaders and managers will focus their efforts.

But what about the impact on employees’ morale and supporting employees after redundancy? Those who remain often have feelings of ‘survivor guilt’ and those who leave may feel anxious about their future and will need time to digest the message, or they may even be relieved and see it as an opportunity for a ‘fresh start’.

So, there are two key challenges for an organisation:

  1. Recognising that those who remain might base any future decision to stay or leave on the level and quality of support given to those leaving. They will need reassurance via clear and consistent messages which focus on the ambitions or goals of the organisation that engage and inspire them
  2. Creating ambassadors for the organisation by giving support to those identified for redundancy. They will need clear and consistent communication throughout the process including the details of the redundancy package plus any other ongoing support.

The impact of redundancy can be felt for as much as two years after the event.  This can be lessened by offering support once the decision has been communicated. Outplacement coaching is not just good practice but also vital in boosting employee morale whilst protecting employer brand. Offering one-to-one sessions with a qualified coach can make a real difference to those staff made redundant.

What is outplacement coaching?

Outplacement training sessions are tailored to a person’s specific needs. Initially, they will need time to talk about the experience in a way that is constructive and helps them to think about next steps in their job search or career change. Our belief is that people need to feel in control of their future, to re-build confidence and to be self-sufficient throughout. We listen and encourage people to focus on the future rather than to dwell on the inevitable ‘why me’ victim type syndrome.

Coaching for outplacement covers a range of topics. We find that most of the people we meet want to pay attention to:

  • CV creation and/or enhancement
  • Preparation for interviews
  • Answering key questions ‘so, tell me about yourself’
  • Using networks and social media effectively
  • Dealing with agencies or head-hunters
  • Considering a career change or a multiple career

Our experience shows that outplacement coaching has a critical positive impact on individual self-esteem and confidence, motivating a coachee to go back into the market and prepare well for a new job or career change. It can leave people with a more positive story about their previous employer and gives them time and space to think about ‘what next’.

If you would like to discuss outplacement coaching with one of our consultants, please get in touch.